Category: News

Dr. Mahadev Prashad Mehta’s Hindu Mandir visit
Dr. Mahadev Prashad Mehta’s visit On Sunday 13th August 2023. Aashirvachan Shree Sanatan Mandir Leicester from 10.15am to 11am Question Answers session At Shree Hindu Mandir Leicester from 11:15am to 12:15 For more information please contact Dilipbhai Joshi on 07871848224 Mahendrabhai Pandia on 07932 656574

Dr Paramod Patel passed away
Shree Hindu Temple’s previous President, Dr Pramod Patel has passed away peacefully. Shri Pramodbhai served the Shree Hindu Temple as the President from 2016 to 2019 and also the Trustee of Narayan Seva Santhan UK and did many other charity works in India,

Jalaram Lunch Club – Every Thursday
Shree Hindu Temple and Community Centre has launched an initiative called “Jalaram Lunch Club” to provide free lunch for All, starting from Thursday 9th June 2022 and will be available on every Thursday from 12:45pm to 1.45pm. All meals are 100% vegetarian and 100% Free

Covid-19: Shree Hindu Temple & Community Centre Food Bank
Shree Hindu Temple and Community Centre had been running a Food bank service for the vulnerable and those in need throughout the pandemic. A big Thank You to all the volunteers, local businesses and charities who came together on every Thursdays and Sundays to

Meal Service for Elderly
Shree Hindu Temple & Community Centre in Conjunction with Manav Seva Day Care Centre Leicester are working together to provide hot meals on wheels (Pure Vegetarian) for those who are vulnerable and cannot access necessary food supplies during these difficult time of the Coronavirus Covid-19.

Mandir Closed due to Coronavirus
Jay Shree Krishna It is with great sadness to inform that due to current Coronavirus situation our beloved Shree Hindu Temple will be closed until further notice. Such action has never been taken in the past, even during the renovation work Mandir was kept open

AGM 2019 on Sunday 22 December at 11am
To All Mandir Members, Shree Hindu Temple & Community Centre AGM on Sunday 22 December 2019 at 11am The Annual General Meeting of the Shree Hindu Temple & Community Centre will be held in the Mandir on Sunday 22 December 2019 at 11am. Please arrive

લેસ્ટર હિંન્દુ મંદિર ખાતે અમરનાથ યાત્રા પર આતંકવાદી હુમલાના દિવંગતોને શ્રધ્ધા-સુમન અર્પણ
રાજકોટઃ અમરનાથ યાત્રાના ગુજરાતી યાત્રાળુ ઉપર થયેલ આતંકવાદી હુમલાના દિવંગત શ્રધ્ધાળુઓના આત્માની શાંતી અર્થે લેસ્ટર (યુ.કે.)ના હિન્દુ મંદિર ખાતે ગુજરાતી ભાઇ-બહેનોએ પ્રાર્થના સભા યોજી શ્રધ્ધા સુમન અર્પણ કર્યા હતા તે વખતની તસ્વીર. આ તકે ભારત વેલ્ફેર ટ્રસ્ટ (યુ.કે.) તથા શ્રી સમર્પણ ગૌશાળા ગોવર્ધન (વૃંદાવન)નાં પ્રતિનિધિઓ તથા
AGM 2015 on Sunday 6 December at 11am
To All Mandir Members, Mandir AGM on Sunday 6 December 2015 at 11am The Annual General Meeting of the Shree Hindu Temple & Community Centre will be held in the mandir on Sunday 6 December 2015 at 11am. Please arrive promptly so that we can start